Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

Basilosaurus is a very large prehistoric cetacean. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and Wildlife Park 2.


Basilosaurus (King Lizard) is a large primitive whale that lived during the late Eocene, with fossils found in North America and Northern Africa. It was one of the largest animals of its time, reaching lengths of up to 20m (66ft) long, and was identified by its comparatively eel-like body. When first discovered, it was mistakenly identified as a giant reptile, hence the "Saurus" suffix. Other primitive features include the relatively narrow skull and the presence of small hind limbs, which may have been used to guide the whale's long bodies during mating.

Basilosaurus was believed to be most common in the Tethys Sea, an ocean that flowed between what is now Europe and Africa. It was the top predator of its time, hunting sharks, large fish and other marine mammals. Evidence suggests that its main food source was Dorudon, a closely related but smaller whale. Basilosaurus likely became extinct when the Tethys Sea was reduced due to tectonic plate movement and global warming.

Wildlife Park[]

Basilosaurus is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and was added as part of the Wild Creatures expansion pack. Like all extinct animals, it cannot be adopted initially and must be bred back through another animal in order to be adopted. In the case of Basilosaurus, it is bred back through the Killer Whale. Their daily needs and enrichments include fish and swimming.

One of the Wild Creatures scenarios focuses on resurrecting Basilosaurus.

Wildlife Park 2[]

Latin name: Basilosaurus. The Basilosaurus is an ancestor of the whale that lived from 40 to 35 million years ago in the Eocene. Remains of the Basilosaurus were discovered in marine sediments in Louisiana (USA). The Basilosaurus, which was approx. 15 metres long and weighed seven tons, looked more like a sea snake and had a 1.5 meter long skull with two different kinds of teeth. He ate molluscs, fish and crustaceans and lived in all oceans. The Basilosaurus had two tiny hips, movable knees and a few toes.

Basilosaurus is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and is available in the base game. Its daily need and enrichment necessities include fish, swimming, and diving. They can live individually, with 10 as the maximum number of herd.

Basic Statistics
Cost: 10,000,000
Attractiveness: 6 Stars
Essential Needs
Fish: 100 kg/day
Swimming: 10 hours/day
Diving: 10 hours/day


Wildlife Park[]

Wildlife Park 2[]


  • At 20m long, Basilosaurus is the largest adoptable animal in the Wildlife Park series in terms of length.
Wildlife Park animals
Base Game Blue PeafowlAmerican FlamingoKing PenguinMasai OstrichGalapagos TortoiseNile CrocodileAlpine IbexThomson's GazelleArabian OryxBisonReindeerPere David's DeerElkOkapiGiraffeLlamaDromedaryWarthogHippopotamusBurchell's ZebraBlack RhinocerosRed KangarooIndian ElephantAfrican ElephantSea LionWalrusGreat White SharkKiller WhaleBottle-Nosed DolphinGorillaOrangutanChimpanzeeRaccoonGrizzly BearKoalaGiant PandaPolar BearWolfWhite TigerCougarLeopardBlack PantherJaguarBengal TigerLion
Wild Creatures Komodo DragonSnow HareEuropean River OtterGiant AnteaterNine-Banded ArmadilloBelugaManta RayMongolian Wild HorseQuaggaArchaeopteryxVelociraptorThylacineGigantopithecusWoolly MammothBasilosaurus
Wildlife Park 2 animals
Base Game African ElephantAmerican FlamingoAnglerfishArabian OryxBasilosaurusBengal TigerBlack RhinocerosBongoBottle-Nosed DolphinBrown PelicanBurchell's ZebraButterflyCheetahChimpanzeeCommon OstrichCougarDromedaryEntelodonEuropean HareEuropean RabbitFishGalapagos TortoiseGastornisGiant CrocodileGiant PandaGiant SquidGiraffeGoatGorillaGreat Hammerhead SharkGreat White SharkGrevy's ZebraGrizzly BearHippopotamusJaguarKing PenguinKomodo DragonLeopardLionManta RayMooseMountain GoatNile CrocodileOkapiOctopusOrangutanOrcaPolar BearPot-Bellied PigRaccoonRatSaurianSea LionShetland PonySmilodonSnow HareVultureWalrusWoolly Mammoth
Crazy Zoo Arctic FoxBisonBlack BearGigantopithecusGreen Sea TurtleJapanese Spider CrabKoalaMacraucheniaMallardMandrillMeerkatMustangParrotPlatypusRed KangarooRed PandaSpotted HyenaThomson's GazelleWildebeestWolf
Marine World BelugaBlacktip Reef SharkBlue MarlinCommon DolphinDragon EelDugongDwarf SawfishFrilled SharkGiant GrouperGold MackerelHumpback WhaleHumphead WrasseLeatherback Sea TurtleMermaidMoonfishNarwhalParrotfishRed TunaSea OtterTiger SharkWhale SharkWhitetip Reef SharkZebra Moray
Dino World AnkylosaurusArchelonPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus RexUtahraptorVelociraptor
Horses AndalusianAppaloosaArabian HorseDartmoor HorseEohippusExmoor PonyFjord HorseFriesianHannoverianHolsteinerIcelanderKnabstrupPercheronPrzewalski's Wild HorseQuarter HorseYorkshire Horse
Farm World ChickenBrown SwissDomestic PigDonkeyGerman ShepardHolstein CattleRed CowRed FoxRomney SheepTexan Longhorn
Domestic Animals House CatChartreux CatNorwich TerrierWest Highland White TerrierCairn TerrierHarzer Fuchs
Fantasy Dark UnicornFire DragonSapphire DragonUnicorn
Kitz Roe Deer