Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

The Indian Peafowl, also referred to as Blue Peafowl, is a medium-sized bird from Asia. It is adoptable in Wildlife Park.


The Blue Peafowl, also known as the Indian Peafowl or Common Peafowl, is one of three species of peafowl and is one of the largest species of gamebirds. The brightly-coloured males, or peacocks, are best known for their long train of feathers which are covered in eye-spots and are used in display. The females, or peahens, are more drab in colouration and lack the train.

Blue peafowl are native to India, but have been introduced across many other countries. Although they are able to fly, they are primarily ground-dwelling birds. They have a varied diet, including fruits, seeds, insects and small animals.

Wildlife Park[]

The Blue Peafowl is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and is available in the base game.

Wildlife Park animals
Base Game Blue PeafowlAmerican FlamingoKing PenguinMasai OstrichGalapagos TortoiseNile CrocodileAlpine IbexThomson's GazelleArabian OryxBisonReindeerPere David's DeerElkOkapiGiraffeLlamaDromedaryWarthogHippopotamusBurchell's ZebraBlack RhinocerosRed KangarooIndian ElephantAfrican ElephantSea LionWalrusGreat White SharkKiller WhaleBottle-Nosed DolphinGorillaOrangutanChimpanzeeRaccoonGrizzly BearKoalaGiant PandaPolar BearWolfWhite TigerCougarLeopardBlack PantherJaguarBengal TigerLion
Wild Creatures Komodo DragonSnow HareEuropean River OtterGiant AnteaterNine-Banded ArmadilloBelugaManta RayMongolian Wild HorseQuaggaArchaeopteryxVelociraptorThylacineGigantopithecusWoolly MammothBasilosaurus