Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

The Bottle-Nosed Dolphin, also known as the Bottlenose Dolphin or Common Bottlenose Dolphin, is a mid-sized cetacean. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and Wildlife Park 2.


The Bottlenose Dolphin is the most well-known member of the dolphin family. It is grey in color, with a silver or white colored underbelly, and is named after its short, well-defined beak, which is said to resemble a gin bottle. The bottlenose dolphin is found in temperate and tropical marine waters worldwide.

Bottlenose dolphins live in family groups called pods and are highly sociable, using a wide variety of sounds to communicate. They feed on many different types of prey including shrimp, squid, other invertebrates, and fish. The dolphins feed by nosing into rocky crevasses near the shore, and chase fish onto mud banks by snapping them up while they are beached, or by cooperatively herding prey into dense clusters against a shore or to the surface of the water. The bottlenose dolphin is highly intelligent and has been known to drive fish towards local fishermen to catch, before eating any fish that escape or evade the nets.

Wildlife Park[]

The Bottle-Nosed dolphin is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and is available in the base game. They require a large water area by adding water pumps and lowering the terrain. Their daily needs and enrichments include fish and swimming. They do not have any preference for ground or plants.

Wildlife Park 2[]

Latin name: Tursiops Truncates. The bottlenose dolphin is the most well known dolphin-species. In dolphin tanks, he tends to attract all attention with his liveliness. Bottlenose dolphins belong to the toothed whale species and are therefore very skilled fish catchers. They live in all seas and are not afraid even of close contact with humans.

The Bottle-Nosed dolphin is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and is available in the base game. Its daily need and enrichment necessities include fish, swimming and diving. They prefer having a minimum herd of 3, with 12 as the maximum number of herd.

Basic Statistics
Cost: 50,000
Attractiveness: 4 Stars
Essential Needs
Fish: 12 kg/day
Diving: 5 hours/day
Swimming: 5 hours/day


Wildlife Park[]

Wildlife Park 2[]

Wildlife Park animals
Base Game Blue PeafowlAmerican FlamingoKing PenguinMasai OstrichGalapagos TortoiseNile CrocodileAlpine IbexThomson's GazelleArabian OryxBisonReindeerPere David's DeerElkOkapiGiraffeLlamaDromedaryWarthogHippopotamusBurchell's ZebraBlack RhinocerosRed KangarooIndian ElephantAfrican ElephantSea LionWalrusGreat White SharkKiller WhaleBottle-Nosed DolphinGorillaOrangutanChimpanzeeRaccoonGrizzly BearKoalaGiant PandaPolar BearWolfWhite TigerCougarLeopardBlack PantherJaguarBengal TigerLion
Wild Creatures Komodo DragonSnow HareEuropean River OtterGiant AnteaterNine-Banded ArmadilloBelugaManta RayMongolian Wild HorseQuaggaArchaeopteryxVelociraptorThylacineGigantopithecusWoolly MammothBasilosaurus
Wildlife Park 2 animals
Base Game African ElephantAmerican FlamingoAnglerfishArabian OryxBasilosaurusBengal TigerBlack RhinocerosBongoBottle-Nosed DolphinBrown PelicanBurchell's ZebraButterflyCheetahChimpanzeeCommon OstrichCougarDromedaryEntelodonEuropean HareEuropean RabbitFishGalapagos TortoiseGastornisGiant CrocodileGiant PandaGiant SquidGiraffeGoatGorillaGreat Hammerhead SharkGreat White SharkGrevy's ZebraGrizzly BearHippopotamusJaguarKing PenguinKomodo DragonLeopardLionManta RayMooseMountain GoatNile CrocodileOkapiOctopusOrangutanOrcaPolar BearPot-Bellied PigRaccoonRatSaurianSea LionShetland PonySmilodonSnow HareVultureWalrusWoolly Mammoth
Crazy Zoo Arctic FoxBisonBlack BearGigantopithecusGreen Sea TurtleJapanese Spider CrabKoalaMacraucheniaMallardMandrillMeerkatMustangParrotPlatypusRed KangarooRed PandaSpotted HyenaThomson's GazelleWildebeestWolf
Marine World BelugaBlacktip Reef SharkBlue MarlinCommon DolphinDragon EelDugongDwarf SawfishFrilled SharkGiant GrouperGold MackerelHumpback WhaleHumphead WrasseLeatherback Sea TurtleMermaidMoonfishNarwhalParrotfishRed TunaSea OtterTiger SharkWhale SharkWhitetip Reef SharkZebra Moray
Dino World AnkylosaurusArchelonPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus RexUtahraptorVelociraptor
Horses AndalusianAppaloosaArabian HorseDartmoor HorseEohippusExmoor PonyFjord HorseFriesianHannoverianHolsteinerIcelanderKnabstrupPercheronPrzewalski's Wild HorseQuarter HorseYorkshire Horse
Farm World ChickenBrown SwissDomestic PigDonkeyGerman ShepardHolstein CattleRed CowRed FoxRomney SheepTexan Longhorn
Domestic Animals House CatChartreux CatNorwich TerrierWest Highland White TerrierCairn TerrierHarzer Fuchs
Fantasy Dark UnicornFire DragonSapphire DragonUnicorn
Kitz Roe Deer