The Fishing Cat is a small Asian felid. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3.
The fishing cat is a small member of the cat family native to South and South-East Asia. It is twice the size of a Domestic Cat, reaching body lengths of up to 78cm (31in), plus a 30cm (11.8in) long tail, and weigh up to 16kg (35lbs). Males are significantly larger than females, being over twice the weight. Notably, its spotted fur is layered and its claws are not fully retractable, both of which are adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle.
Unlike many cats, the fishing cat is very much at home near water, preferring to live in forested wetlands. It is a capable swimmer and most of its diet (around three quarters in one report) consists of fish, which it may grab from the riverbank or dive into deeper water to catch. Like many cat species, it is solitary and nocturnal. Numbers have sharply declined due to habitat destruction.
Wildlife Park 3[]
The fishing cat is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3 and was added as part of the Asia expansion pack. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include meat, water, jumping, and swimming. In terms of their environment, they prefer soft grounds like soil. They can live individually, with 9 as the maximum herd number.
These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:
Anxiety | Apathy | Babesiosis | Bronchitis |
Caries | Conjunctivitis | Cut | Deficiency |
Dehydration | Diarrhea | Eczema | Gangrene |
Gastric Ulcer | Iodine Deficiency | Mesotigmata | Pad Ulcer |
Panleukopenia | Tuberculosis | Splinter | Vasculitis |
Wry Neck | Heat Exhaustion | Oil Toxication |