Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

The Flatback Sea Turtle is a mid-sized reptile from Oceanian seas. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3.


The flatback sea turtle is one of seven species of turtle adapted for life in the ocean, with flattened shells and broad paddle-like front limbs. It received its common name due to the fact that its shell is lower than other sea turtles, having an almost flattened dome. It is comparatively small for a sea turtle, with females weighing up to 90kg and males being smaller, although their hatchlings are comparatively larger than other sea turtles.

Unlike other sea turtles, which have a wide range across tropical waters, the flatback sea turtle is limited to the coastal waters of northern Australia and Papua New Guinea, giving it the smallest range of its family. It has a largely carnivorous diet, feeding on a variety of marine invertebrates, but will also eat seagrasses on occasion. Like all sea turtles, females will leave the ocean only to lay their eggs. Although not as threatened as other sea turtles due to its smaller range, it is unknown how many flatback sea turtles are left in the wild.

Wildlife Park 3[]

The flatback sea turtle is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3. It was added as part of the Down Under expansion pack. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include seafood, swimming and diving. They can live individually, with 50 as the maximum number of herds.


These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:

Anxiety Apathy Avian Flu Babesiosis
Bronchitis Conjunctivitis Cut Deficiency
Dehydration Diarrhea Eczema Gangrene
Gastric Ulcer Iodine Deficiency Mesostigmata Splinter
Tuberculosis Vasculitis Heat Exhaustion Oil Toxication


Wildlife Park 3[]

Wildlife Park 3 animals
Base Game African ElephantBengal TigerBisonBlack RhinocerosBlue WildebeestBurchell's ZebraCalifornia Sea LionChimpanzeeCougarElasmotheriumGiant PandaGiraffeGorillaGrizzly BearHippopotamusJaguarKing PenguinLeopardLionMeerkatPolar BearSmilodonSnow LeopardThomson's GazelleWoolly Mammoth
Dino Invasion AnkylosaurusPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus RexUtahraptorVelociraptor
Alaska Alaskan King CrabAlaskan MooseArctic FoxArctic WolfBelugaBlack BearBlack-Tailed DeerCanadian LynxCaribouDall SheepHumpback WhaleNarwhalNorthern River OtterOrcaRocky Mountain GoatSnowshoe HareWhite-Sided DolphinWolf
Creatures of the Carribean American CrocodileAmerican FlamingoBlacktip SharkBlue MarlinBluefin TunaBrown PelicanCommon DolphinfishGiant FrogfishGoliath GrouperGreat Hammerhead SharkGreen Sea TurtleHawksbill Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtleManta RayMermaidOcean SunfishParrotfishStriped DolphinTiger SharkWhale Shark
Down Under Australian PelicanBlacktip Reef SharkBull SharkCommon DolphinCommon WombatDingoDwarf SawfishEmuFlatback Sea TurtleFreshwater CrocodileGreat White SharkGreater CormorantKoalaNumbatPerentiePlatypusRed KangarooSouthern CassowaryThylacineWhitetip Reef Shark
Amazonas Amazonian Brown BrocketAmazon River DolphinAmazonian ManateeBlack CaimanBrazilian TapirCapybaraCollared PeccaryGiant AnteaterGuanacoMacraucheniaManed WolfMargayNine-Banded ArmadilloOcelotScarlet IbisSpectacled Bear
Africa African BuffaloBlack-Backed JackalBongoCommon OstrichCommon WarthogDromedaryGiant Sable AntelopeGreater KuduMandrillNile CrocodileOkapiQuaggaRed River HogSouth African OryxSpotted Hyena
Asia Axis DeerBactrian CamelBlackbuckEurasian LynxFishing CatIndian ElephantIndian RhinocerosKomodo DragonMalayan TapirOrangutanPacific WalrusPrzewalski's Wild HorseRed PandaSaigaTakin