Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

4 Gastornis (2 males in the front and 2 females in the back (the blue ones))

the gastornis (also known as diatryma) was a prehistoric giant bird that lived during the paleocene and early eocene the only time on earth were birds ruled the world and fossils have been found in north america and europe. it was likeley carnivorous and hunted early cat sized horses. it

is a adoptable creature from Wildlife park 2 and come in many different variants.

Wildlife Park 2

Required Genes: 700

Cost: 500000

Attractiveness: 6 Stars


Water: 1 l/day

Meat: 3 kg/day


Run: 2 hours/day

Jump: 2 hours/day



Hardness of Ground: 50 to 70

Temperature: -10°C to 3°C

Social Matters

Maximum Age: 15 Years

Sexual Maturity: 5 Years

Size of Herd: 2-10

Offspring: 1 to 3

Gestation Time: 1 Month

Wildlife Park animals
Base Game Blue PeafowlAmerican FlamingoKing PenguinMasai OstrichGalapagos TortoiseNile CrocodileAlpine IbexThomson's GazelleArabian OryxBisonReindeerPere David's DeerElkOkapiGiraffeLlamaDromedaryWarthogHippopotamusBurchell's ZebraBlack RhinocerosRed KangarooIndian ElephantAfrican ElephantSea LionWalrusGreat White SharkKiller WhaleBottle-Nosed DolphinGorillaOrangutanChimpanzeeRaccoonGrizzly BearKoalaGiant PandaPolar BearWolfWhite TigerCougarLeopardBlack PantherJaguarBengal TigerLion
Wild Creatures Komodo DragonSnow HareEuropean River OtterGiant AnteaterNine-Banded ArmadilloBelugaManta RayMongolian Wild HorseQuaggaArchaeopteryxVelociraptorThylacineGigantopithecusWoolly MammothBasilosaurus