The Great Hammerhead Shark, or Great Hammerhead is a large cartilaginous fish. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and Wildlife Park 3.
The Great Hammerhead is the largest of nine species of hammerhead shark, attaining an average length of 4.6m (15ft) in length, although large individuals have reached 6.1m (20ft). Hammerhead sharks are identified by their flattened and extended head, known as a cephalofoil, which give the head a hammer-like shape. The Great hammerhead can in turn be distinguished by its largely straight, almost T-shaped cephalofoil. The purpose for a hammerhead's cephalofoil is not entirely understood, but it is believed it gives the shark enhanced vision and also allows it to detect prey. All sharks feature sensory pores on their heads which detect electrical signals given off by prey and being spread across a wide area allows the hammerhead to find food more effectively.
The great hammerhead lives in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, close to the equator. It preys on fish and invertebrates, including other sharks, but has a preference for stingrays. Hammerheads have been observed using their cephalofoil to pin the rays down before eating them. Like all hammerheads, females give birth to live young and may have over 50 pups. The Great Hammerhead is now heavily threatened in the wild, as it is heavily fished for its fins.
Wildlife Park 2[]
“ | Latin name: Sphyrna Mokarran. The hammerhead shark is a nocturnal carnivore fish. It feeds on other fish as well as crustaceans and shellfish. Hammerheads migrate over very long distances. During the summer months these animals reside in temperate waters, and in winter they retreat to the tropic regions. Some scientists presume the large, wide head improves the animal's stereoscopic vision. There are records of humans that have been attacked by hammerhead sharks, but this only occurred after provoking the animal, for example by injuring it with a harpoon. | ” |
The great hammerhead shark, shortened as Hammerhead in-game, is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and is available in the base game. Its daily need and enrichment necessities include fish, swimming and diving. They can live individually, with 15 as the maximum number of herd.
Basic Statistics |
Cost: 75,000 Attractiveness: 3 Stars |
Essential Needs |
Fish: 10 kg/day Diving: 5 hours/day Swimming: 5 hours/day |
Wildlife Park 3[]
The great hammerhead shark is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3. It was added as part of the Creatures of the Caribbean expansion pack. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include fish, seafood, swimming and diving. They can live individually, with 25 as the maximum number of herd.
These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:
Anxiety | Apathy | Bronchitis | Caries |
Conjunctivitis | Cut | Deficiency | Diarrhea |
Eczema | Gangrene | Gastric Ulcer | Iodine Deficiency |
Splinter | Vasculitis | Wry Neck | Oil Toxication |