The Jaguar is a large South American felid. It is an adoptable animal in all three Wildlife Park games.
The Jaguar is the largest feline in the western hemisphere and is found across Central and South America, with additional populations in Mexico. Large males can weigh up to 158kg (348lbs), although they tend to be lighter. Its coat is a rich yellow to rusty-red, and occasionally black, spotted with large black rosettes, each consisting of a circle of spots surrounding a central spot. Although it resembles the Leopard, the jaguar is more compact and muscular, with a large robust head.
The jaguar lives in a variety of habitats, most commonly tropical rainforests, but always close to water. It is an adept climber and excellent swimmer. It is an apex predator, preying on a variety of animals and using its strong jaws to bite through the skull of its prey; its bite is strong enough to pierce turtle shells. Although feared, the jaguar rarely attacks humans. Jaguars are typically solitary animals.
Black Jaguar[]
Black Jaguars, sometimes misidentified as black panthers (a term used for both melanistic jaguars and leopards), are individual jaguars with a genetic mutation know as melanism. Mealanism is the development of the dark-colored pigment melanin in the skin. In jaguars, it is caused by a recessive gene. Their kind is less common than their normal kind. In the wild, the black jaguars are found in Central and South America.
Wildlife Park[]
The Jaguar is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and is available in the base game. Their daily needs and enrichments include meat, water, climbing, running, jumping, tussling and swimming.
Wildlife Park 2[]
“ | Latin name: Panthera Onca. The American jaguar is similar to the African Leopard, however it has a more compact and powerful body. This feline prefers swamps or humid forest regions. Since this animal hunts alone, it uses the darkness of the night to its advantage. Its beautiful fur is very popular and therefore this species should be considered slightly endangered. | ” |
The Jaguar is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and is available in the base game. Its daily need and enrichment necessities include meat, water, jumping, running, and swimming. They can live individually, with 8 as the maximum number of herd.
Basic Statistics |
Cost: 22,000 Attractiveness: 3 Stars |
Essential Needs |
Meat: 2 kg/day Water: 0.3 l/day Jumping: 1 hour/day Running: 2 hours/day Swimming: 1 hour/day |
Wildlife Park 3[]
The Jaguar is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3 and is available in the base game. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include meat, water, swimming, jumping and climbing equipments. In term of their environment, they prefer softer grounds: grass, turf, soil. Rain Tree is their most preferred resting place. They can live individually, with 8 as the maximum number of herds.
Black Jaguar[]
Compared to their normal kinds, this variant has a slightly higher price and attractiveness. Their needs remain the same nonetheless.
These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:
Anixety | Apathy | Babesiosis | Bronchitis |
Caries | Conjunctivitis | Cut | Deficiency |
Dehydration | Diarrhea | Eczema | Gangrene |
Gastric Ulcer | Iodine Deficiency | Mesostigmata | Pad Ulcer |
Panleukopenia | Splinter | Tuberculosis | Vasculitis |
Wry Neck | Heat Exhaustion | Oil Toxication |
Wildlife Park[]
Wildlife Park 2[]
Wildlife Park 3[]
Wildlife Park animals | |
Base Game | Blue Peafowl • American Flamingo • King Penguin • Masai Ostrich • Galapagos Tortoise • Nile Crocodile • Alpine Ibex • Thomson's Gazelle • Arabian Oryx • Bison • Reindeer • Pere David's Deer • Elk • Okapi • Giraffe • Llama • Dromedary • Warthog • Hippopotamus • Burchell's Zebra • Black Rhinoceros • Red Kangaroo • Indian Elephant • African Elephant • Sea Lion • Walrus • Great White Shark • Killer Whale • Bottle-Nosed Dolphin • Gorilla • Orangutan • Chimpanzee • Raccoon • Grizzly Bear • Koala • Giant Panda • Polar Bear • Wolf • White Tiger • Cougar • Leopard • Black Panther • Jaguar • Bengal Tiger • Lion |
Wild Creatures | Komodo Dragon • Snow Hare • European River Otter • Giant Anteater • Nine-Banded Armadillo • Beluga • Manta Ray • Mongolian Wild Horse • Quagga • Archaeopteryx • Velociraptor • Thylacine • Gigantopithecus • Woolly Mammoth • Basilosaurus |