Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

The Thylacine, also known as Tasmanian Tiger and Tasmanian Wolf, is an extinct small Oceanian marsupial. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and Wildlife Park 3


The Thylacine is a predatory marsupial and the largest member of the order Dasyuromorphia, to which the Tasmanian Devil and Numbat also belong. It physically resembles a large dog, with adults standing 60cm (24in) at the shoulder, but its tail is stiffened like that of a kangaroo, allowing it to hop on its back legs if threatened. It is known as the Tasmanian Wolf due to its dog-like appearance, as well as the Tasmanian Tiger because of the dark stripes on its lower back. Little is known about the wild behaviour of the thylacine, but it is believed to be nocturnal, hunting other marsupials and birds as large as kangaroos and emus. It would have used its muscular jaws, which could open as wide as 80 degrees, to catch its prey. A female could have up to four joeys at a time.

The thylacine was once common across the forests, wetlands and grasslands of Australia and features in indigenous rock paintings. Although it went extinct on the mainland before British settlement - with human population growth, climate change and competition with the Dingo being possible contributions to its extinction - it continued to thrive on the island of Tasmania. Numbers continued to decline following Tasmanian settlement, as farmers would shoot them as they were perceived to be a threat to their livestock. The last known individual, known as "Benjamin", died at Hobalt Zoo on 6 September 1938 after being locked out of its indoor shelter during an unusually cold night.

Wildlife Park[]

The thylacine is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and was added as part of the Wild Creatures expansion pack. When adopting the species, it is best to build high-height enclosure as they are capable of jumping over the low fences. Their daily needs and enrichments include meat, jumping, tussling (e.g. boxing equipment), and scratching (e.g. branches). In terms of environment, they prefer 45% of ground hardness and tropic plants. An example of preferred ground is a land of little grass.

Like all extinct animals, the thylacine cannot be adopted initially and must be bred back in order to be adopted. It can be bred back through the Wolf, despite the wolf being a placental mammal and not a marsupial.

Wildlife Park 3[]

The thylacine, referred as tasmanian wolf in-game, is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3 and was added as part of the Down Under expansion pack. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include meat, water and scratching. In terms of environment, they prefer softer grounds like soil. They can live individually, with 6 as the maximum number of herds.


These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:

Anxiety Apathy Babesiosis Bronchitis
Caries Conjunctivitis Cut Deficiency
Dehydration Diarrhea Eczema Gangrene
Gastric Ulcer Iodine Deficiency Mesostigmata Pad Ulcer
Panleukopenia Splinter Tuberculosis Vasculitis
Wry Neck Heat Exhaustion Oil Toxication


Wildlife Park[]

Wildlife Park 3[]

Wildlife Park animals
Base Game Blue PeafowlAmerican FlamingoKing PenguinMasai OstrichGalapagos TortoiseNile CrocodileAlpine IbexThomson's GazelleArabian OryxBisonReindeerPere David's DeerElkOkapiGiraffeLlamaDromedaryWarthogHippopotamusBurchell's ZebraBlack RhinocerosRed KangarooIndian ElephantAfrican ElephantSea LionWalrusGreat White SharkKiller WhaleBottle-Nosed DolphinGorillaOrangutanChimpanzeeRaccoonGrizzly BearKoalaGiant PandaPolar BearWolfWhite TigerCougarLeopardBlack PantherJaguarBengal TigerLion
Wild Creatures Komodo DragonSnow HareEuropean River OtterGiant AnteaterNine-Banded ArmadilloBelugaManta RayMongolian Wild HorseQuaggaArchaeopteryxVelociraptorThylacineGigantopithecusWoolly MammothBasilosaurus
Wildlife Park 3 animals
Base Game African ElephantBengal TigerBisonBlack RhinocerosBlue WildebeestBurchell's ZebraCalifornia Sea LionChimpanzeeCougarElasmotheriumGiant PandaGiraffeGorillaGrizzly BearHippopotamusJaguarKing PenguinLeopardLionMeerkatPolar BearSmilodonSnow LeopardThomson's GazelleWoolly Mammoth
Dino Invasion AnkylosaurusPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus RexUtahraptorVelociraptor
Alaska Alaskan King CrabAlaskan MooseArctic FoxArctic WolfBelugaBlack BearBlack-Tailed DeerCanadian LynxCaribouDall SheepHumpback WhaleNarwhalNorthern River OtterOrcaRocky Mountain GoatSnowshoe HareWhite-Sided DolphinWolf
Creatures of the Carribean American CrocodileAmerican FlamingoBlacktip SharkBlue MarlinBluefin TunaBrown PelicanCommon DolphinfishGiant FrogfishGoliath GrouperGreat Hammerhead SharkGreen Sea TurtleHawksbill Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtleManta RayMermaidOcean SunfishParrotfishStriped DolphinTiger SharkWhale Shark
Down Under Australian PelicanBlacktip Reef SharkBull SharkCommon DolphinCommon WombatDingoDwarf SawfishEmuFlatback Sea TurtleFreshwater CrocodileGreat White SharkGreater CormorantKoalaNumbatPerentiePlatypusRed KangarooSouthern CassowaryThylacineWhitetip Reef Shark
Amazonas Amazonian Brown BrocketAmazon River DolphinAmazonian ManateeBlack CaimanBrazilian TapirCapybaraCollared PeccaryGiant AnteaterGuanacoMacraucheniaManed WolfMargayNine-Banded ArmadilloOcelotScarlet IbisSpectacled Bear
Africa African BuffaloBlack-Backed JackalBongoCommon OstrichCommon WarthogDromedaryGiant Sable AntelopeGreater KuduMandrillNile CrocodileOkapiQuaggaRed River HogSouth African OryxSpotted Hyena
Asia Axis DeerBactrian CamelBlackbuckEurasian LynxFishing CatIndian ElephantIndian RhinocerosKomodo DragonMalayan TapirOrangutanPacific WalrusPrzewalski's Wild HorseRed PandaSaigaTakin