Wildlife Park 2 Wiki

The Tiger Shark is a large cartilaginous fish. It is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and Wildlife Park 3.


The tiger shark is one of the largest species of sharks. Individuals have been recorded at over 5m (16.5ft) in length, with females being larger than males. The shark gets its name from the dark stripes running down its body, which are more faded in adults, and can be identified by their sharp teeth which feature a unique sideways-pointing tip.

Tiger sharks can be found in tropical waters around the world, usually around the coast. It is an apex predator and has a reputation of eating anything it can find, including fish, sea birds, marine mammals, sea turtles and even other sharks. Land mammals and inanimate objects such as car license plates have also been eaten and the tiger shark has been known to attack and kill humans. However, as with many sharks, humans are a greater risk to the tiger shark and numbers have declined due to culling and fishing.

Wildlife Park 2[]

Lat. name: Galeocerdo cuvier. The tiger shark is considered, along with the great white shark and the bull shark, to be one of the sharks most dangerous to humans. Most of the attacks on swimmers and divers in the tropical regions are attributed to the Tiger shark. It is found in all of the tropical and temperate regions of the world's oceans. Its size is similar to that of the great white shark.

The tiger shark is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and was added as part of the Marine World expansion pack. Its daily need and enrichment necessities include fish, meat, swimming and diving. They can live individually, with 10 as the maximum number of herd.

Basic Statistics
Cost: 78,000
Attractiveness: 5 Stars
Essential Needs
Fish: 6 kg/day
Meat: 6 kg/day
Diving: 5 hours/day
Swimming: 5 hours/day

Wildlife Park 3[]

The tiger shark is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3 and was added as part of the Creatures of the Caribbean expansion pack. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include fish, seafood, swimming and diving. They can live individually, with 30 as the maximum number of herds.


These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:

Anxiety Apathy Bronchitis Caries
Conjunctivitis Cut Deficiency Diarrhea
Eczema Gangrene Gastric Ulcer Iodine Deficiency
Splinter Vasculitis Wry Neck Oil Toxication


Wildlife Park 2[]

Wildlife Park 3[]

Wildlife Park 2 animals
Base Game African ElephantAmerican FlamingoAnglerfishArabian OryxBasilosaurusBengal TigerBlack RhinocerosBongoBottle-Nosed DolphinBrown PelicanBurchell's ZebraButterflyCheetahChimpanzeeCommon OstrichCougarDromedaryEntelodonEuropean HareEuropean RabbitFishGalapagos TortoiseGastornisGiant CrocodileGiant PandaGiant SquidGiraffeGoatGorillaGreat Hammerhead SharkGreat White SharkGrevy's ZebraGrizzly BearHippopotamusJaguarKing PenguinKomodo DragonLeopardLionManta RayMooseMountain GoatNile CrocodileOkapiOctopusOrangutanOrcaPolar BearPot-Bellied PigRaccoonRatSaurianSea LionShetland PonySmilodonSnow HareVultureWalrusWoolly Mammoth
Crazy Zoo Arctic FoxBisonBlack BearGigantopithecusGreen Sea TurtleJapanese Spider CrabKoalaMacraucheniaMallardMandrillMeerkatMustangParrotPlatypusRed KangarooRed PandaSpotted HyenaThomson's GazelleWildebeestWolf
Marine World BelugaBlacktip Reef SharkBlue MarlinCommon DolphinDragon EelDugongDwarf SawfishFrilled SharkGiant GrouperGold MackerelHumpback WhaleHumphead WrasseLeatherback Sea TurtleMermaidMoonfishNarwhalParrotfishRed TunaSea OtterTiger SharkWhale SharkWhitetip Reef SharkZebra Moray
Dino World AnkylosaurusArchelonPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus RexUtahraptorVelociraptor
Horses AndalusianAppaloosaArabian HorseDartmoor HorseEohippusExmoor PonyFjord HorseFriesianHannoverianHolsteinerIcelanderKnabstrupPercheronPrzewalski's Wild HorseQuarter HorseYorkshire Horse
Farm World ChickenBrown SwissDomestic PigDonkeyGerman ShepardHolstein CattleRed CowRed FoxRomney SheepTexan Longhorn
Domestic Animals House CatChartreux CatNorwich TerrierWest Highland White TerrierCairn TerrierHarzer Fuchs
Fantasy Dark UnicornFire DragonSapphire DragonUnicorn
Kitz Roe Deer
Wildlife Park 3 animals
Base Game African ElephantBengal TigerBisonBlack RhinocerosBlue WildebeestBurchell's ZebraCalifornia Sea LionChimpanzeeCougarElasmotheriumGiant PandaGiraffeGorillaGrizzly BearHippopotamusJaguarKing PenguinLeopardLionMeerkatPolar BearSmilodonSnow LeopardThomson's GazelleWoolly Mammoth
Dino Invasion AnkylosaurusPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusProtoceratopsStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus RexUtahraptorVelociraptor
Alaska Alaskan King CrabAlaskan MooseArctic FoxArctic WolfBelugaBlack BearBlack-Tailed DeerCanadian LynxCaribouDall SheepHumpback WhaleNarwhalNorthern River OtterOrcaRocky Mountain GoatSnowshoe HareWhite-Sided DolphinWolf
Creatures of the Carribean American CrocodileAmerican FlamingoBlacktip SharkBlue MarlinBluefin TunaBrown PelicanCommon DolphinfishGiant FrogfishGoliath GrouperGreat Hammerhead SharkGreen Sea TurtleHawksbill Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtleManta RayMermaidOcean SunfishParrotfishStriped DolphinTiger SharkWhale Shark
Down Under Australian PelicanBlacktip Reef SharkBull SharkCommon DolphinCommon WombatDingoDwarf SawfishEmuFlatback Sea TurtleFreshwater CrocodileGreat White SharkGreater CormorantKoalaNumbatPerentiePlatypusRed KangarooSouthern CassowaryThylacineWhitetip Reef Shark
Amazonas Amazonian Brown BrocketAmazon River DolphinAmazonian ManateeBlack CaimanBrazilian TapirCapybaraCollared PeccaryGiant AnteaterGuanacoMacraucheniaManed WolfMargayNine-Banded ArmadilloOcelotScarlet IbisSpectacled Bear
Africa African BuffaloBlack-Backed JackalBongoCommon OstrichCommon WarthogDromedaryGiant Sable AntelopeGreater KuduMandrillNile CrocodileOkapiQuaggaRed River HogSouth African OryxSpotted Hyena
Asia Axis DeerBactrian CamelBlackbuckEurasian LynxFishing CatIndian ElephantIndian RhinocerosKomodo DragonMalayan TapirOrangutanPacific WalrusPrzewalski's Wild HorseRed PandaSaigaTakin