The Walrus, identified specifically as the Pacific Walrus in Wildlife Park 3, is a large pinniped from Arctic North America and Asia. It is an adoptable animal in all three Wildlife Park games.
The Walrus is the third-largest member of the pinnipeds (the family that also includes seals and sea lions) and is easily identifiable due to its large size and long tusks. Males weigh up to 1700kg (3700lbs), of which roughly 20% comes from its thick hide and blubber, but some individuals may weigh more. Both males and females have tusks, which they use in defense against predators or rivals, as well as to help the walrus climb out of water onto ice - indeed, the walrus' latin name translates to "Tooth Walk".
Walrus' are well adapted for life in the Arctic, with their thick blubber keeping them warm in the cold oceans. They use their large sensitive whiskers to detect clams and other shelled animals at the bottom of the ocean, where it is considered a keystone species. They will often gather in large colonies on land to rest. Because of its large size and tusks, walrus' have few predators, with only the Polar Bear and Orca known to hunt them.
Wildlife Park[]
The Walrus is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park and is available in the base game. Their daily needs and enrichments include fish and swimming.
Wildlife Park 2[]
“ | Latin name: Odobenus Rosmarus. The walrus seems to literally have to force itself over the rocks on shore. In the water, however, this animal doesn't seem clumsy at all. The walrus feeds on shellfish, snails and ground fish that it slurps up from the ocean ground. Walruses are very social animals and enjoy coming together on land in groups of hundreds. For matters of heat release, these animals can change the colour of their skin pink over the width of the blood vessels, which falsely reminds of sunburn. When searching for a bride, the walrus uses its sabre formed tusks to eliminate any competition. This can end bloody. This species is endangered. | ” |
The Walrus is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 2 and is available in the base game. Its daily need and enrichment necessities include seafood, diving and swimming. They prefer having a minimum herd of 5, with 25 as the maximum number of herd.
Basic Statistics |
Cost: 6,000 Attractiveness: 2 Stars |
Essential Needs |
Seafood: 1 kg/day Diving: 4 hours/day Swimming: 2 hours/day |
Wildlife Park 3[]
The Pacific Walrus is an adoptable animal in Wildlife Park 3. It was added as part of the Asia expansion pack. Their daily food and enrichment necessities include fish, seafood, water, diving and swimming. They also prefer having a minimum herd of 5, with 30 as the maximum herd number.
White Pacific Walrus[]
Compared to their normal kinds, this variant has a slightly higher price and attractiveness. Their needs remain the same nonetheless.
These are the list of diseases that the said animal can suffer from:
Anxiety | Apathy | Avian Flu |
Babesiosis | Bronchitis | Conjunctivitis |
Cut | Deficiency | Dehydration |
Diarrhea | Eczema | Gangrene |
Gastric Ulcer | Iodine Deficiency | Mesostigmata |
Splinter | Tuberculosis | Vasculitis |
Heat Exhaustion | Oil Toxication |
- In the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Wildlife Park 2, the walrus is misidentified as a manatee.
- Despite being identified as the pacific walrus in Wildlife Park 3, its scientific name is misidentified as Odobenus Rosmarus instead of Odobenus Rosmarus Divergens.
Wildlife Park[]
Wildlife Park 2[]
Wildlife Park 3[]
Wildlife Park animals | |
Base Game | Blue Peafowl • American Flamingo • King Penguin • Masai Ostrich • Galapagos Tortoise • Nile Crocodile • Alpine Ibex • Thomson's Gazelle • Arabian Oryx • Bison • Reindeer • Pere David's Deer • Elk • Okapi • Giraffe • Llama • Dromedary • Warthog • Hippopotamus • Burchell's Zebra • Black Rhinoceros • Red Kangaroo • Indian Elephant • African Elephant • Sea Lion • Walrus • Great White Shark • Killer Whale • Bottle-Nosed Dolphin • Gorilla • Orangutan • Chimpanzee • Raccoon • Grizzly Bear • Koala • Giant Panda • Polar Bear • Wolf • White Tiger • Cougar • Leopard • Black Panther • Jaguar • Bengal Tiger • Lion |
Wild Creatures | Komodo Dragon • Snow Hare • European River Otter • Giant Anteater • Nine-Banded Armadillo • Beluga • Manta Ray • Mongolian Wild Horse • Quagga • Archaeopteryx • Velociraptor • Thylacine • Gigantopithecus • Woolly Mammoth • Basilosaurus |